If your child has been recently diagnosed and educational therapy is recommended, your child my benefit from working with an educational therapist. An educational therapist is a professional who combines educational and therapeutic approaches for evaluation, remediation, case management and advocacy on behalf of children, adolescents and adults with learning challenges. Educational Therapists have an extensive background in developmental psychology in order to identify how an individual is functioning within their developmental and learning milestones.
Educational therapy demystifies learning problems and stimulates a client’s awareness of their strengths so they can use those strengths to overcome areas of difficulties. The treatment plan may utilize information from a variety of sources including the student’s social, emotional, psychoeducational and neuropsychological background. Milestones Educational Therapy offers evidence based programs for both, individuals who are experiencing challenges and to enrich gifted students. Our goal is to help all students enhance their level of autonomy in all areas of learning and development.
Consistency and intensity are important predictors of success in educational therapy therefore a minimum of twice weekly sessions are recommended to achieve therapeutic goals. All sessions are implemented in a one-to-one format for 50 minutes.
Milestones Educational Therapy Institute offers several evidence based programs for children who are experiencing difficulties and to enrich gifted students.